Sunday, January 15, 2012

living without a husband

my youngest son was sick on friday.  he couldn't hold anything down and whatever was in him, was quickly escaping out the back end.  either he was on the toilet or laying down feeling miserable all day.  he found he could eat soda crackers and drink sweetened water... so he did... while laying on the couch feeling miserable. 
yesterday i took my older son to lowe's to participate in their build and grow program.  we were building a castle.  i took my littlest girl with us.  we had a hard time building it (i'm not sure if it was because it was hard to do, or if it was because i was trying to help them both at the same time), but my son was SO grumpy!  we got almost completely done when he looked up at me and said, "i think i'm gonna barf!"  and he did.  we went home and he didn't seem to have any more symptoms or episodes...
last night at 1am i woke up and had to go...  yes, now I'M SICK!  and, i'm 31 weeks pregnant!  and i have 5 kids to take care of.  thankfully, my m-i-l has one of them because they are celebrating her birthday... but my littlest guy still has the runs and so i'm fighting to stay away from the toilet and he's wanting to run to the john ever 5 seconds to let out a little air. 
did i mention that my hub-a-lub is serving 3 days of jail time (fri-sun) for missing a meeting he had scheduled?! 
ugh.  i could die.  ...and i wouldn't even care.  pray for me and for my husband to get home soon (and NEVER miss another meeting in his life!)

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