Saturday, January 14, 2012

last post, sept. 23... what?!

where do i start?  sept. 23rd was a long time ago! 
well, here's a little update.  my hubby has been sober since jan 22, 2011.  he's nearing his 1-year anniversary... in fact, on his 1-year anniversary, he's being sent to orlando, florida for some training in his line of work.  for a week. 
he's done this before.  at the beginning of november, he was flown to pennsylvania for a week.  it's kinda stressful. 
he's doing well.  he really is.  i worry sometimes, but when i confront him of my worries, he acknowledges the legitimacy of them and tells me that he's worried to and that he has his guard up.  just hearing him admit that is such a breath of fresh air for me to hear.  i'm serious.  i know it sounds strange, but i love to hear when my husband is worried.  :)  ok, not all the time.
he's had a lot taken off his plate when he "phased up" in the drug court program.  but the bar is set higher, so the punishment is much harsher for the crime.  for instance, he has 16 hours of community service and 3 days of jail because he missed a one-on-one meeting with his counselor.  yeah. 
it's good though.  something that he has never really learned in his life (until now) is that a commitment is a commitment.  you can't go through life just flaking people off.  when you say you're going to be somewhere, you better be there... when you're supposed to. 
the counselor he had in phase 1 of the program really discouraged me from helping him be organized.  it was his responsibility to organize his schedule and stick to it.  since then, i've kinda been out of the loop of his schedule.  this second counselor is now recommending that he involves his family in his planning more.  it's kinda a contradiction, but i think it's all good for him.  the truth is, he needed to be taught responsibility in the first place.  if i was the one scheduling everything for him and then he missed his one-on-one meeting, it wouldn't be his fault... it'd be mine.  however, it'd really be great to know his schedule a bit more so that i know about these engagements he has. 
another new thing is that they started up a veteran's drug court program just recently and my love was switched over into it.  he's one of the first people to go through it.  it's not much different than the regular drug court program, but they do have lots of hook-ups to veteran's assistance and the programs that the government has set up for veterans.  he's now hooked up with a counselor from the va's office (to go along with the one from drug court).  that's great.  he's also supposed to get all his benefits reinstated... so i can't tell you the blessing that could be!  however, i'll believe it when i see it. 
anyway, that's all for now.  prayers are always appreciated.  i have a giant prayer request i'll be putting details up tomorrow about.  but for right now, please pray for our family and the sobriety of our family's leader to continue forever. 

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