Wednesday, March 2, 2011

our structure

monday and wednesday the mr. has a matrix class from 7-9.  mondays he frequently has one-on-one appointments scheduled with his counselor.  on the second monday of the month we both have a families in recovery class together from 5-7.  on tuesday he has a relapse prevention class from 7-9.  on wednesdays he has a cognitive self change class from 5-7.  he also has to go to a one-hour 12-step meeting every day. 
since he plead guilty to his charge of burglary he was sentenced with 100 hours of community service to be completed before august.  however, he has to complete at least 20 hours each month (so i don't know why they said it had to be completed before august because at 20 hours/month he'll HAVE to have it completed by ... august.  ok.  never mind.)
the sole provider of our family is employed full time and works 9-5 tues-sat.  thankfully he has a workday free to complete all those community service hours.  but it sure takes a tole on the time we get with him.  oh, i forgot to mention he also has a 9:30pm curfew.  he has to be at our residence by 9:30pm every night.  i actually really like that rule!  ;) 
i like all the rules because i'm a rule follower, but i really miss my hubby by about this time every week.  i also love that he's drug free and enjoying it.  i also love that he counts me as his support team.  i love this guy... he's incredible!  i love that he's changing his life to be a better person for his family... THAT takes balls!!!!

"A prudent man foresees evil, and hides himself; the simple pass on, and are punished." (Proverbs 27:12)

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